Welcome to our Blog: Tribe Life
Y’all have asked us and we listened!
Welcome to the Tribe Kelley Blog - Tribe Life.
When Brittney and Brian Kelley founded Tribe Kelley they knew their mission was to create a community. Little did they know the future impact of the Tribe support system and how we would all connect together to sustain this community.
Who is a member of the Tribe? The individual, the doer, the dream, the go getter. A little bit adventurous, a little bit down to earth and a whole lot of creative. Well, we want to know the Tribe a little bit better. So we will be interviewing members of the Tribe and sharing it with you. Get ready to be inspired.
We are sharing our thoughts on lifestyle; fitness, beauty, health, and wellness. We will share interactive style guides on how to style your Tribe pieces. Not to mention, we will be spilling details on the behind the scenes of this year’s photoshoot and launch party!
We also want to talk about mental health! Brittney majored at the University of Georgia in Psychology and knows how important it is to equip the Tribe with this knowledge. Stress plays a big role in all of our lives, let’s be honest that’s normal when we have big dreams like we do! So we’ll be talking about mental health awareness and self care! What a line up of intriguing and exciting topics, right?!
A BONUS * Brittney will be answering questions about her rock star life as she jet sets across the country and still manages to balance being the Creative Director and CEO of Tribe Kelley.
Most importantly, we will be sharing Tribe Kelley values. We will be diving into details on the ethical impact of each element that goes into packing your order and how we will be utilizing plastics to make clothing in 2020. We are proud to be a transparent fashion company and want to take you on that journey. We even want to show you the inside of our factories and the smiling faces of our team members.
So many good things, that we are managing to pile into ONE lifestyle blog.
Wow. Y’all excited? We can’t do it without you, so comment on our social media @TribeKelley and let us know what you want to hear from us.