Self Care Sunday
Halloween may be this week, but we don’t have time for the Sunday Scaries.
So sit back, relax and read 5 ways to enjoy your Sunday!
1. Write it all down.
Tribe, let’s try something new. You might be quick to get anxious and start making to-do lists for the week ahead instead let’s reflect from the week before. What are you feeling thankful for? What is something you accomplished? Did you crush it at work? Or maybe you just didn’t spill coffee on your new outfit? Let’s celebrate our little wins!
2. Stretch it out.
Let’s stretch it out. Sometimes we want to stay in bed all day (don’t worry we get it). But moving actually can energize us! We are loving the yoga app right now. You can stretch from the comfort of your home. It’s beginner friendly, so it’s totally okay if can’t hold a pose and end up toppling over.
3. Visualize it all!
We’ve been picking out some visual inspiration for you on our Tribe Kelley Pinterest board! And we’re kind of obsessed right now. Need a quote for your phone background? Day dreamin’ over your next vacation? Get ready to be motivated for your week ahead.
4. Clean, Clean, Clean!
Adult-ing is hard and the last thing we want on our day off is to do laundry. But cleaning your closet can help you feel organized for the week ahead. So pick out your outfits for the week and feel less anxious about what you have to tackle. Need help deciding how to pair it? Check out our last style guide post.
5. Just Laugh
At the end of the day, you need to just unwind and relax. Sometimes it’s nice to curl up and watch a movie. What are your Halloween Favorites? Are we talking scary like the Purge? Or just want to laugh and watch Hocus Pocus? We’ll leave that choice up to you.
Tribe, we are all in this together! We work hard all week so let’s slow down and enjoy our Sundays! What are some ways you enjoy your Sunday? Let us know on our social @tribekelley