Tribe Ways to Show Gratitude
Thanksgiving may have come and gone. And trust us when we say we are still recovering from eating so much! But giving thanks does not have to end here. We are showing you 3 simple and easy ways to show gratitude this holiday season!
Bring them Flowers
Who doesn’t love flowers? It’s an easy way to say, “Hey, I appreciate you!"
Don’t save it for a special occasion; make them feel special! You could even pick them wild flowers!
Compliment them on a skill or attribute that you admire
We may be quick to tell someone when they are having a good hair day, but the best compliments are when it comes from the heart. Tell them how they're good listeners or that you are so happy to have them a part of your Tribe!
Write a Handwritten Letter!
Yes, we’re getting old fashion here and putting pen to paper! Tell your friends or family that you’re thinking about them or write about a moment you have shared.
We love giving thanks at the Tribe, and we are so lucky to have y'all be apart of this Tribe Community! Share on Instagram @tribekelley how you're giving thanks this season!